Thursday, April 22, 2010

Revisiting This Thing

So after unsuccess and neglect (mainly for reasons of the prior), 'Around the News' has been cancelled like a great TV show that never really got it's legs and had too few viewers. It's all good though, I didn't need two blogs... and I probably don't need this one either, but I sometimes feel the need to share things or vent in a semi-private area. You might say, why don't you Twitter or write Facebook statuses? I would, but sometimes I have rants or vents that not everyone is a fan of. At least if you come here, it probably means you give a slight flip and it's up to you to read. It doesn't bombard you once you open up your favorite networking site. Plus, you are limited in text and sometimes I get long winded.

Anyway, I've come to revisit this blog. It's almost quitting time, but I think I have a few things coming soon.

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